The Parenting Game:
Mistakes or Misses 家長遊戲 - 錯過定過錯

Date 日期: |
1 Dec 2018 (Sat) 2018年12月1日(星期六) |
Time 時間: |
4:00pm - 5:30pm 下午4時至5時半 |
Venue 地點: |
Ground Floor, PMQ 地下, PMQ 元創方 |
Language 語言: |
Cantonese 廣東話 |
免費入場 , 請報名預留座位

Renowned radio host and celebrity mum Chu Fun is best known for hosting popular programmes such as You You You Are The Best and Kiss Kiss Kids. She’s also the author of a number of publications, her most recent work is on parenting and family relations.

Chung Oi Man, Joyce who was studying in Hong Kong public schools which were in a traditional teacher centered teaching style. She was notorious as a school rules breaker and trouble maker. In her teaching journey, she travelled in five Hong Kong public schools with different background. She has started her Boutique Travel Journey in Catholic Mission School since 2008.

畢業於香港演藝學院戲劇系,後在英國雪菲爾哈倫大學就讀應用社會科學系,主修輔導及心理學 , 及後獲取英國註冊認證遊戲治療師專業資格, 於私人診所執業, 提供輔導及治療服務。 多年來於中小學及幼稚園提供戲劇訓練課程,滲入輔導及治療元素,包括遊戲治療(Play Therapy)、情緒取向治療(Emotion-focused Therapy)、認知行為心理治療(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)等,幫助有情緒和行為問題孩子提升自信、改善人際關係及行為管理能力,同時亦舉辦親子教育工作坊及講座。
After graduating from the School of Drama at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, he went on to study at the Department of Applied Social Sciences at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, majoring in Counseling and Psychology, and later obtained a British professional qualification of a certified play therapist. He practised in private clinics and provided counselling and therapy services. Over the years, he has taught drama classes at various kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, incorporating counseling and therapy elements, including play therapy, emotion-focused therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. These classes are proven to help raise confidence among children with behavioural issues, improve interpersonal relationships and behavior management skills. He also regularly organises parenting workshops and lectures.

POPA Classroom: Within Trial and Error, Children Grow
POPA課室 - 成長中的Trial & Error

Date 日期: |
9 Dec 2018 (Sun) 2018年12月9日(日) |
Time 時間: |
3:00pm-4:30pm 下午三時至四時半 |
Venue 地點: |
Ground Floor, PMQ 地下, PMQ 元創方 |
Language 語言: |
Cantonese 廣東話 |
Sharing Session Partner 分享對談夥伴: |
POPA Channel |
免費入場 , 請報名預留座位

A mother of two young children. Yan believes that children games should not be given strict standards, and encourages parents to take a step back, and believe in the positive effects games can have on their children. Yan has a Master's degree in Child and Family Education and an NAMC Montessori certification for the 3-6 and 6-9 age groups. She actively participates in community volunteering events and has been involved in organisations such as Mother’s Choice, Hands On Hong Kong, Bring Me A Book and Impact Hong Kong.
兩個幼兒的母親。堅信無規範式的遊戲很適合小孩,鼓勵父母應退後一點,並相信遊戲為孩子帶來的神奇效果。擁有兒童及家庭教育碩士學位,以及NAMC蒙特梭利3-6和6-9年齡組別的認證。她是志願服務的倡導者,曾參加「母親的抉擇」(Mother’s Choice)、Hands On Hong Kong、Bring Me A Book 及Impact Hong Kong等組織。

A father of three, Harold believes that knowledge and the desire to learn can make better parents.

As a mother of two boys, Barbara had searched high and low hoping to find the most suitable educational method for her children ever since her pregnancy, hence she understands the frustration and struggles of modern parenting. In 2009, she became a registered teacher of AMS Montessori Association in the USA. During her internship, she worked in kindergartens in Singapore and Beijing. She believes that if parents respect their children, show them love and give them the freedom they deserve, children will grow at their own pace and exceed expectations.

William is a is a registered social worker in Hong Kong with more than 16 years of experience in experiential nature education. He is also a father who has one daughter. William is skilled at guiding people of different backgrounds to learn from and enjoy nature. As someone who grew up close to nature, he believes that nature can provide us with wisdom and strength if we learn to carefully observe our feelings and learn with humility. After completing a course of Gaia Association, he was inspired to base his teachings on experiential nature education and counseling skills from his social work experience to guide and connect people to nature. Additionally, he is an instructor of the Wilderness Medical Associates International and has also obtained various professional qualifications, including adventure-based counselling, mountaineering and field first aid.

The Wrongly Right Design Process
設計工作室 - 錯有錯著

Date 日期: |
9 Dec 2018 (Sun) 2018年12月9日(日) |
Time 時間: |
5:00pm-6:30pm 下午五時至六時半 |
Venue 地點: |
Ground Floor, PMQ 地下, PMQ 元創方 |
Language 語言: |
Cantonese 廣東話 |
免費入場 , 請報名預留座位

Ken Lo is the Founder and Design Director of BLOW. He is also the designer of the icon of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong’s landmark.
His works have been featured in various worldwide design media. He has won over 100 international and local design awards, and was selected among “The Design Hot 25” by Time Out Magazine.
Ken has been invited by How Design Live to share his experience at the “Dieline Conference 2015” in Chicago, and invited by Wallpaper* Magazine Thai Edition to give a presentation on packaging design in Bangkok in 2017.
His personal project, “More Hugs by Ken Lo”, has been exhibited in the “Graphic Matters” design festival in Breda, the Netherlands, as well as the “Shanghai Visual Art and Design Exhibition” in 2017.
羅曉騰(Ken Lo)是著名香港設計公司BLOW的創辦人及設計總監,以及香港地標——維多利亞港標記的設計師。
他的作品曾獲各國際著名設計平台報導。他亦在多個具代表性的國際及本地設計比賽中屢獲佳績,獎項超過100個,並獲《Time Out》雜誌選為「你需認識的二十五位香港設計師」之一。
2015年,他受《How Design Live》邀請到美國芝加哥舉行的《Dieline》大型設計研討會上分享設計經驗;2017年,他在泰國曼谷舉行的《Wallpaper*》雜誌包裝設計講座中演講。
他創作的個人項目《More Hugs by Ken Lo》曾於荷蘭布雷特舉行的《Graphic Matters》設計節及《2017上海視覺藝術設計展》中展出。

Graduated in 2004 at California State Polytechnic University, College in Art in Los Angeles, obtained BFA degree specialising in Graphic Design. After College, he has returned to Hong Kong and started his creative career in Alan Chan Design Company.
In the January of 2010, Gary founded his design practice, TGIF, working on a diverse range from corporate and brand identity, book design, exhibition design and packaging. He has been received gold award, Judges' Choice and HK Best awards in HKDA Global Design Awards, Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Awards, Hong Kong Design Centre Design for Asia Awards, Red Dot Award and Graphic Design in China Awards. In 2013, Gary Tong was awarded to be 40 under 40 design talents from Perspective Magazine.

Graduated with MA Graphic Design Communication in the Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, Lio Yeung is a creative director, a visual artist, specialising in fashion and art culture projects in Hong Kong, and the founder of Young & Innocent since 2012. He has worked in some leading local advertising agencies, and has received numerous awards including Young Design Talent Award in 2009, Cannes, D&AD and the One Show award.
畢業於倫敦藝術大學,獲平面設計碩士學位。現於香港身兼廣告創意總監和視覺藝術家。曾獲邀於agnes b Gallery作個人展覽。在廣告公司工作十年多,曾獲2009年度青年設計才俊獎、Cannes、D & AD及One Show Award等眾多獎項。於2012年創辦Young & Innocent創作單位,現主力工作於時裝及藝術文化範疇。