Dynamic creative workshops programmed for primary school students aim to stimulate creativity while building their creative confidence. Participants are guided by teams of experienced design educators and industry veterans. In these mind-stimulating workshops, students become artisans to their own creativity by taking part in hands-on activities like building tailor-made chairs with a maker mindset and creating sculptures with metal wire. They also study a seemingly mundane household object, such as a broomstick, before creating their own custom-made designs. Some of their works are displayed at deTour creative festival, giving the visitors a chance to adore these children’s unlimited creativity.
小學組以創意工作坊形式進行,旨在啟發同學創意,同時增強他們對創作的自信心。參與學生將由擁有豐富創意教育經驗的團體指導,工作坊形式別開生面,既讓同學本著自造者精神製作椅子,又讓同學嘗試以鋼線製作雕塑,就連家庭必備的掃帚也可化成設計主題,引起同學興趣。部分作品於deTour 2018期間展出,把小朋友天馬行空的創意驚喜帶到PMQ元創方。


Our students had great fun channeling their creativity, the ideas kids came up with were beyond our imagination -- a broom that could sweep away unhappiness, or one especially made for cleaning up ball pits. To them, it’s always about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Kids learnt to work on creative exercises as a team, which requires them to respect and listen to other’s opinions. This wasn’t an easy task for them, as they are used to working individually in their visual art classes at school.
Our students were taught to make wire sculptures in this workshop, which is very different from what we usually do in class, as fourth graders they usually create sculptures with cardboard and clay. But this time, they got to work with wood and iron wires, which are relatively novel materials to them.
Students had to create products both individually and as a team, and they were given the chance to evaluate each other’s works, which taught them how to express themselves clearly and appreciate the works of other students.
The workshop encourages students to work as a team, which was a good opportunity to train up their cooperative skills. The instructor was able to take care of the needs of individual students, so that they can learn to respect each other and work together to create ideas.
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birdintree creative studio 塗鴉創意間 |
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Bizzie Bee 播善蜂 |
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MakerBay Foundation 工匠灣基金會 |