Communication Design

This accordion booklet tells a story of a girl who travels through time from old Hong Kong to the urbanised, modern city. The girl grows old through her journey and becomes an old woman at the end. She travels past districts and buildings of different periods of time, occasionally stopping by to talk to people of different ages.
This book sculpts the rhythm of the changing times of Hong Kong, reflecting the behaviours of different eras and characters, taking readers behind the scenes of a bustling city: the nitty gritty bits of history, the people and their untold stories. Readers will find a familiar resonance in its contrasting emotions, and a better understanding of Hong Kong’s past.

Among Hong Kong’s various cultural icons, we have chosen its unique typography. Our project looks into Hong Kong’s typography through two major themes: culture and aesthetics, For culture, we delve deep into its history and use. For aesthetics, we look into calligraphy, structure, color, and type arrangement. Through this project, we explore and record the old culture of Hong Kong and try to understand the relationship between text and the city. We hope this would raise awareness in Hong Kong on the importance to preserve such an iconic identity of the city.

Students of deTour Nxt’s mentorship programme decide to base their creations on the themes of "typeface" and "old neighbourhood" to raise awareness among Hong Kong people on what they consider as “old local culture".
My response to students’ creation comes in the form of a book titled Hong Kong Patterns, which I designed based on the same themes. It is interesting to learn and think synchronously with my students. We’re like each other’s mirrors, mutually reflecting our own strengths and weaknesses.
When I led students through the old districts of Central and Sheung Wan for field study, it was intriguing to see the many uniquely “Hong Kong-styled” patterns around us. These patterns are found on tiles, signs, balconies, iron gates and manhole covers. If we observe our city more closely, we will discover its many beautiful sides that deserve our attention and preservation.
透過deTour Nxt師友計劃,學生們為了引起港人對「昔日本土文化」的關注,決定以「字體」及「老街」為題,創作這次展覽的作品。

This is a temporary “bookstore” set up by collaborative efforts. Don’t expect to buy any books here, but you’ll get to witness nine young creatives interpret their selected books with boundless imagination and creative storytelling.
Differences are what make the world an interesting place. At this “bookstore” we try to bring people together through reading and design, and we hope you’ll join us for this unique experience.
這是一間合眾人之力建立的臨時書店。雖然沒有真的在賣書,但你仍可看到 9 位年輕創作人以設計詮釋 9 本他們喜愛的書,為到訪書店的你準備一連串的想像和故事,期待你細心發掘。

The Transient Book exists in a pitch black space, a book formed by transient light.
Imagine the beginning of a piece of literature - born with life and soul, but we cannot feel nor read it without a material form. As the music begins, the work gradually becomes words of light, slowly appearing on paper, and, as if a performance, viewers can read the entire work through light in the darkened space. This book may be transient, but it’s also a part of eternity.
試想像一篇文學作品的起始 –– 剛有了生命和靈魂,但仍沒有實體,我們還不能感受/閱讀它。隨著音樂響起,文學逐漸化作光的文字,慢慢呈現於紙上,像一場表演,觀眾可以在這個黑暗的空間內,藉著「光」來閱讀整部作品。這本書或許只是暫留之物(Transient),卻也是永恆的一部分。

Product Design

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intended to benefit the human race. It has, in a lot of ways, transcended human capabilities. What will happen to the relationship between AI and human in the future? While we become increasingly dependent on them, how long will it take for machines to supersede and take control over human intelligence? With technology, everything seems possible and humans continue to enjoy the fruits with technological advancements everyday. Would you like to live in a painless, carefree world that is inseparable from machinery and data?

Coral reefs are the most precious and biodiverse ecosystem on the planet, the "nursery of the ocean". Human life depends on ocean health but coral reefs are rapidly dying. We need to study and protect coral reefs urgently. Traditionally divers take photographs and evaluate coral reefs by their size and colors. The Scoutbots team is developing an ocean drone that replaces divers, a laser apparatus that replaces the mechanical quadrat, and the images collected are assembled into a 3D map by computer programmes. This technology aims to be 10x more accurate, 50x faster and 200x cheaper than the current technology.
珊瑚礁是地球上最珍貴,生物最多樣化的生態系統,是海洋的守護者。人類的生命全賴海洋健康,但珊瑚礁近年卻急速死亡。研究和保育珊瑚礁,絕對刻不容緩。一直以來,潛水員都是深入海中拍攝珊瑚礁照片,再按珊瑚礁的體積及顏色進行評估。Scoutbots 團隊現時正在研發可以替代潛水員,深入海洋拍攝的無人機,以鐳射儀器取代機械空鉛裝置,再以電腦程式將拍下的影像整合成3D立體地圖。這項技術務求比現時的技術準確10倍,速度提升50倍,成本下降200倍。

Trial and error is a process that involves repeated failed attempts before arriving at the best solution. Urban development follows a similar pattern, we are faced with the conflicting choices between conservation and development, while making such decisions, things can get lost and forgotten along the way. As gentrification is inevitable in an ever growing world, it is vital that we learn from the mistakes we made and preserve values and important entities, instead of simply having them replaced.
For this year’s deTour Nxt, we created a model replica of a city under development, a city with a clear juxtaposition of the old and the new. With the help of artificial lighting, old buildings dwarf beside shiny, modern skyscrapers. Learning from the mistakes of the previous “builder”, visitors can take turns to participate in the urban planning and design by creating their “buildings”.
Trial and Error的精神,是在無數次的嘗試中,找出最合適的結果,過程中存在「撞板」的可能。就像城市發展,在建設和抉擇時,我們可能會失去一些事物,甚或需要為此付出代價。舊區、舊建築的重建是Trial,過後有否從當中的Error學習,令事物和價值得以保存,而不只是被取代?城市發展是無止境的,答案有待我們持續尋找和改變。
藉著detour Nxt這次機會,我們向公眾呈現一個關於城市發展的「山洞」,內裡有些具標誌性的建築,新舊混雜。配合燈光,新建築矚目璀燦,舊建築黯然失色,漸漸消逝。參觀者可透過摺出不同的建築模組來參與這座城市的規劃,從上一位規劃者的Error中學習,思考再Trial,讓下一位規劃者接力,思考發展的意義和代價。

In the world of mathematics, there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1, these numbers can be enumerated to create endless combinations. We often perceive things exist in alternative states - black and white, light and dark, but in between two ends of the pole are possibilities that may have never crossed your minds. When it comes to creation, there is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad, it’s all about perception. Let go of your intrinsic binary conception, learn to enjoy wandering between the realms in your creative journey, before taking on the path that suits you best. And when you do, don’t look back.
At deTour Nxt's mentorship programme, together we explore various possibilities, break through our habitual thinking patterns and learn to see things in a new light.
Using fluorescent tubes, STICKYLINE constructed a large-scale polyhedron form that breaks through the boundaries of a two-dimensional plane. Dancing in its own changing rhythms of light, it is not only a statement piece that attracts attention, but also a reminder of the capricious nature of this world.
在數學世界裡,0與1之間有無限的可能性,有著不同的關係,可成為錯誤,也可生成無限,二元兩極有著一切可能,黑與白、光與影。創作沒有絕對的對與錯、好與壞,只有合適與否,放下固有的二元概念,盡情在創作路上遊走,享受一切對與錯,尋找最理想的,一直走一直走 。
在detour Nxt的師友計劃中,我們與同學一起探索各種的可能性,突破自身認知的思考習慣,讓自己也成為當中一員,重整再建立 。
這一作品以線條與光重構熟悉的多面體,突破紙張平面的界限,建立數個光源多面體,與參觀者産生互動,感受屬於你我的光的節奏,欣賞一切變化,沒有好壞、沒有對錯 。

Have you ever thought about what goes behind the making of a broomstick? At this one-of-a-kind design workshop, led by birdintree creative studio, primary school students discover and experience the wonders of design in the ordinary, daily commodity, broomsticks. Students are given the liberty to dishevel and dirty up the surrounding, before cleaning up using broomsticks of varying lengths, paying attention to their structure and characteristics. The observations are then collected to design a broomstick that suits a specific use, and then use a variety of materials to put together a broomstick of their own.
有沒有想過,平凡的掃帚也有著無數的設計巧思?由塗鴉創意間(birdintree creative studio)設計的創作課,以竹掃帚為主題,讓小學生從日常用品中發現設計的妙趣。同學們先把地方弄得髒亂,再用不同長短大小的掃帚清理,從中觀察掃帚的結構和特徵。根據觀察,同學們繪畫出一比一的掃帚,然後運用各種物料編織製作,完成適合特定情況使用的掃帚,體驗充滿趣味的設計過程。

There are many bizarre and fascinating art forms in the world, and wire sculptures are among them. While being a widely accessible material, wires can be easily twisted to form different shapes. Bizzie Bee's workshop takes students into the realms of both 2D and 3D designs, first creating patterns on paper then bringing them to life using strands of wire. In the process, they get to learn about the characteristics of stainless steel, while experimenting with different tools. Students work together in small teams to create their sculptures, exchange ideas and learn to solve problems collaboratively along the way.
小小鐵線,變化萬千。播善蜂(Bizzie Bee)的工作坊帶領同學們遊走於平面與立體的創作世界:先繪畫出自己喜歡的圖案,再嘗試以鐵線製成雕塑。過程中一方面認識鐵線這種材質的特性,另一方面學習使用剪裁及接合鐵線的工具。同學們以小組形式討論設計方向,透過交換意見互相磨合,並合力製作鐵線雕塑,共同反覆摸索和嘗試,發揮合作精神。

What do you look for in a good, ergonomic chair? In the workshop led by MakerBay, students take from their own experience to share their idea of a comfortable chair. In teams, students work together to create miniature models of an ideal chair, using skewers and masking tape. After picking out the model to work further on, students build a 1:1 prototype using PVC pipes. The process involves teamwork, persistence and a lot of trials and errors, a fitting exemplification of this year’s theme.
一張好的椅子應該具備什麼條件?在MakerBay主理的工作坊中,同學們從自身經驗出發,分享心目中一張舒適的椅子應有的特質,繼而以小組形式討論及設計理想的椅子。同學們先以竹籤及皺紋膠紙製作椅子模型,落實設計後再剪裁PVC管,接合成最終的椅子作品。過程中不斷嘗試及修改,再接再厲,體現「Trial and Error」精神。

Time 時間:
11:00am - 8:00pm
Venue 地點:
PMQ (35 Aberdeen Street, Central)
PMQ元創方(中環鴨巴甸街35號) |
Date 日期:
30 Nov (Fri) - 9 Dec 2018 (Sun)
2018.11.30 (五) 至 12.9 (日) |