Drawing in Space

Date 日期: |
1 Dec 2018(Sat)
12:00nn - 1:00pm
8 Dec 2018(Sat)
12:00nn - 1:00pm |
Venue 地點: |
Nxt Corner, Ground Floor, PMQ Nxt Corner, 地下, PMQ 元創方 |
Partner 夥伴: |
Bizzie Bee 播善蜂 |
There are many bizarre and fascinating art forms in the world, and wire sculptures are among them. While being a widely accessible material, wires can be easily twisted to form different shapes. Bizzie Bee's workshop takes us into the realms of both 2D and 3D designs, first creating patterns on paper then bringing them to life using strands of wire. In the process, you will get to learn about the characteristics of stainless steel, while experimenting with different tools. Join us to create your own kind of scripture through trial and error!
小小鐵線,變化萬千。播善蜂(Bizzie Bee)的工作坊鼓勵大家探索鐵線的無限可能,讓大家遊走於平面與立體的創作世界:你可先繪畫出自己喜歡的圖案,再嘗試以鐵線製成雕塑。過程中一方面認識鐵線這種材質的特性,另一方面學習使用剪裁及接合鐵線的工具,透過不斷摸索與嘗試,製作出各式各樣的鐵線雕塑。

DIY Bamboo Hand Broom

Date 日期: |
2 Dec 2018 (Sun)
11:30am - 1:00pm
9 Dec 2018 (Sun)
11:30am - 1:00pm
Venue 地點: |
Nxt Corner, Ground Floor, PMQ Nxt Corner, 地下, PMQ 元創方 |
Partners 夥伴: |
birdintree 塗鴉創意間 |
Have you ever thought about what goes behind the making of a broomstick? At this one-of-a-kind design workshop, led by birdintree creative studio, you will discover and experience the wonders of design in the ordinary, daily commodity, broomsticks. With a variety of materials, you will get to put together a broomstick of you own.
有沒有想過,平凡的掃帚也有著無數的設計巧思?由塗鴉創意間(birdintree creative studio)設計的《織織小竹帚》工作坊,正好讓你發掘掃帚的精妙。工作坊以竹掃帚為主題,讓你從日常用品中發現設計的妙趣。參加者將運用各種物料編織製作,完成自己專屬的小竹帚。