在香港,發展權益和高地價現實,往往是私營機構抗拒參與文物保育的原因。但近年一系列備受關注的私人保育項目,包括南豐集團的南豐紗廠The Mills、新世界發展的皇都戲院,以及華懋集團的中環街市,均證明重視城市再生的社會價值考慮,已靜靜地在私營企業的市場營銷、品牌及決策過程中佔一席位。
主持 –
講者 –
1. 黎雋維,建築歷史學者
2. 彭展華,AaaM Architects 創辦人
3. Betty Fan,建築設計、多媒體藝術家
胡燦森先⽣現⾝為⻁豹⾳樂基⾦的執⾏董事(項目發展),負責⻁豹別墅建築群此活化項目,以及活化後為「⻁豹樂圃」的營運。胡先⽣更是2019 港深城市建築雙城雙年展(⾹港)的總策展⼈,現⾝兼⾹港建築師學會古蹟及⽂物保育委員會成員,以及英國皇家建築師學會委員會會員。他亦曾於英國各地⼤學的建築學院任教,及⾹港中⽂⼤學建築學院擔任客席助理教授。
胡燦森先⽣於⾹港出⽣,並在英國⻑⼤,於建築業界擁有超過⼆⼗年經驗,曾受聘於多家建築事務所,多次負責⼤中⼩型的總體規劃、商業、住宅以及結構設計項目,並從英國、中國、阿爾及利亞、美國、意⼤利、俄國和⼟⽿其等多項海外計劃中,積累了不同國家建築體系、法規和⽂化的經驗。此外,他在歷史建築改造更新以及再利⽤領域擁有很豐富的⼯作經驗,曾經領導並參與多項相關項目,其中包括倫敦彼特瓊斯百貨⼤樓(Peter Jones)(1997 – 2004 年)改造,倫敦國王⼗字⽕⾞站(Kings Cross Station)重建,倫敦皇家陸軍軍官學校(Royal Military Academy)重建等項目。
AaaM Architects 創辦人
Bob Pang graduated from the Master of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong and has in depth experience in numerous offices world-wide, working in design offices globally like London, Shanghai, Vienna and Hong Kong. He was working under Arata Isozaki in Shanghai leading the design for Suzhou High Speed Rail Master Plan and Changchun Jingyue District Government Office. In 2015, he co-founded AaaM Architects, experimenting architecture as a medium to react with social issues. He is also a content contributor and columnist to various media, for instance, Hypebeast, Esquire, City Magazine and PMQ Design Extra writing about architecture in diverse topics.
Betty Fan is a Hong Kong based Multimedia Artist who explores the codependency between our built and natural environment. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Pratt Institute, and Master of Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University. Prior to her Artistic practice, Fan worked as an Architectural Designer at OMA, UNStudio and HOK, during which she gained experience in conceptual design and construction development for residential, commercial, mixed-use and cultural projects. She also participated in various art installations in New York and Hong Kong, which further enhanced her passion for exploring different mediums in art. Today she combines her Architectural design skills and discipline of Multimedia Art in her 3D animations, digital art works and paintings.