這前所未有的報告,不但是討論、挑戰及重新定義碳排放議題的重要里程碑,亦提出了一些值得深思的問題:實體裝置所帶來的廢物量 VS 數碼展示的能源消耗;地理、交通、能源供應、現場重用物料的可能性等條件,對展場位置選擇的影響;實體、線上抑或複合模式;展品篩選對原創性及重用已有作品的考量;如何衡量活動的教育和社會價值,同時在碳濃度之間作出取捨。
主持 –
講者 –
1. 葉頌文,葉頌文環保建築師事務所創辦人
2. 白礎晧,羅兵咸永道高級顧問 – 氣候變化與可持續發展
3. Jonny Perk, Associate Director, Steensen Varming (Hong Kong)
胡燦森先⽣現⾝為⻁豹⾳樂基⾦的執⾏董事(項目發展),負責⻁豹別墅建築群此活化項目,以及活化後為「⻁豹樂圃」的營運。胡先⽣更是2019 港深城市\建築雙城雙年展(⾹港)的總策展⼈,現⾝兼⾹港建築師學會古蹟及⽂物保育委員會成員,以及英國皇家建築師學會委員會會員。他亦曾於英國各地⼤學的建築學院任教,及⾹港中⽂⼤學建築學院擔任客席助理教授。
胡燦森先⽣於⾹港出⽣,並在英國⻑⼤,於建築業界擁有超過⼆⼗年經驗,曾受聘於多家建築事務所,多次負責⼤中⼩型的總體規劃、商業、住宅以及結構設計項目,並從英國、中國、阿爾及利亞、美國、意⼤利、俄國和⼟⽿其等多項海外計劃中,積累了不同國家建築體系、法規和⽂化的經驗。此外,他在歷史建築改造更新以及再利⽤領域擁有很豐富的⼯作經驗,曾經領導並參與多項相關項目,其中包括倫敦彼特瓊斯百貨⼤樓(Peter Jones)(1997 – 2004 年)改造,倫敦國王⼗字⽕⾞站(Kings Cross Station)重建,倫敦皇家陸軍軍官學校(Royal Military Academy)重建等項目。
Tony is a community-centric, sustainable design architect and urban designer. Tony has over 18 years of architectural, urban design and engineering experience. He founded Tony Ip Green Architects Ltd. in 2017. His passion and contributions to green architecture have been highly recognized by receiving Australia China Alumni Award for Arts and Creative Industries 2018, Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award 2016, EcoStar Award 2014 and HKIA Young Architect Award 2010.
Tony is Chairman of Hong Kong Architecture Centre, Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council, Director of Zero Carbon Building, Chair of BSL Material Aspects Expert Panel, Director of YMCA of Hong Kong and School Manager of YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College. He is appointed by the HKSAR government to serve Antiquities Advisory Board, Environment and Conservation Fund Committee, Environmental Campaign Committee, Lantau Conservation Fund Advisory Committee and Support Group on Long-term Decarbonization Strategy to Council for Sustainable Development.
羅兵咸永道高級顧問 - 氣候變化與可持續發展
Brian specialises in responsible investment-related advisory work at PwC and helps investors create sustainable impact through integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into investment processes. Prior to joining PwC, he worked at New World Development’s sustainability department and played a key role in designing and driving various ESG integration programs, including landmark sustainable finance transactions in the region. Equally passionate in arts & culture, Brian is also an independent curator of exhibitions and dialogues that provide a voice and inclusive platform for newcomers in arts & culture.
Associate Director, Steensen Varming (Hong Kong)
Jonny is an Associate Director within Steensen Varming and leads their sustainability team in Hong Kong. With diverse experience, primarily within urban development, he is passionate about improving the sustainability of cities, and understanding the key influences for developing sustainable design solutions. Having lived and worked in the UK, Australia, Middle East and now Hong Kong, he understands the importance and complexity of adapting solutions to the local context.
Jonny has developed sustainability and resource management strategies for a range projects from city scale masterplans to small scale refurbishments and installations. He has also produced strategic carbon and energy reduction strategies for corporations and government bodies. For the UABBHK 2019, Jonny led the Steensen Varming team in carrying out a detailed carbon footprint assessment for the event. The assessment not only provides analysis of the carbon intensity of the event, but also details opportunities for how future events can further reduce emissions and improve their environmental impact.