Nov 27Dec 6
Connect with Taste (II) – “Below and Above” feast for thepovertyline

In collaboration with #thepovertyline exhibition that will take place at deTour 2015, PMQ Taste Library will select 10 images submitted locally to prepare 10 creative recipes using the ingredients shown in the chosen images. 50 lucky participants will be randomly selected to partake the “Below and Above” Feast with a budget of HKD 12.00 per person. Higher number of participants will increase the overall budget for the feast. Each guest will have a chance to experience a unique delectable meal created under a strict budget constraint at Taste Library while sharing thoughts and having discussion on the project with other participants of #thepovertyline photo exhibition and Mr. Craig Au-Yeung, the curator of the PMQ Taste Library. Recommended related books only available at Taste Library will also be a topic of discussion.

Taste Library@PMQ

Edward Yip

As an assistant curator in Taste Library, a translator or a columnist, Edward just simple loves food and enjoys having fun in the kitchen..

Unit H504 (5 FL, H Building)

2015/11/28 (Sat)
1500 – 1900
