RIBA Talk! 2019

Design Dialogue


15:00 – 17:00

Marketplace, G/F, PMQ

Language: English

This event combines the British tradition of provocative debates with a contemporary twist, and promises to be an informative yet edgy, fun and interactive exchange of views around the engaging theme of deTour 2019.

Following successes of previous year’s debates, RIBA Talk! 2019 will respond under deTour 2019 theme – NEW OLD. OLD NEW. Dare we
ask if we should consider what is ‘new’ today principally a hybridized matrix of old concepts in a new context? Is it that designers using existing tools and valid methodologies to solve design problems lead to familiar results or ‘old’ results? Has technology enabled designers to new design processes or rather our conventional use makes it merely an automation process towards the ‘old’. And how does Hong Kong provide designers a new design context if context should be respected and preserved. Is there still space left for true newness in design? Or is anything termed ‘new’ today really a reinvention of the ‘old’? The motion for the debate Reinvention is the only New will provoke the Proposition and Opposition Teams of speakers to challenge each other’s views on the value of NEW OLD. OLD NEW. 

At the beginning of the event, the audience will be asked whether they support the motion or otherwise before the speakers from each team will do their best to win over more support from the audience with their respective presentations. Then, instead of Q&A, two guest speakers selected by each team from the audience will go on stage to express their views to further strengthen the respective team’s case. The audience will be asked to cast their votes again at the end of the debate and the team with the greater gain in support will be declared the winners on the night.

RIBA Talk! is an annual discussion inviting local designers and artists to debate on architecture, design, heritage and the arts.


Sara Lee
Co-founder of Sky Yutaka

Lawrence Leung
Principal of OLLA Building Workshop
Design Tutor at HKDI

Fanny Ang
Director of ANG studio

Stanley Siu
Co-founder of Daydreamers

Kevin Siu
Co-founder of AaaM

Peter Ferretto


Alex Jones
Chair of RIBA Hong Kong Chapter


Royal Institute of British Architects

Founded for the advancement of architecture under its charter granted in 1837, The Royal Institute of British Architects is a global professional membership body driving excellence in architecture.

The RIBA Hong Kong Chapter aims to promote architecture in Hong Kong and the region, showcase the work of Hong Kong members, raise recognition of their professional and technical excellence and stimulate engaging discourse on architecture and the built environment within the profession, the construction industry and the wider public. Launched in September 2012, the local chapter represents the interests of around 900 members based in Hong Kong and liaises with members in China as well as other countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Since 2014, the RIBA HK Chapter have been organising a series of annual architecturally inspired events entitled “EAT!”, “TALK!”, “SHOP!” and “CELEBRATE!’ that engage with what
Hong Kong loves best, as well as the monthly series “Brick on Break: Professional Series”, all to raise the profile of the profession in the region.

Website https://www.architecture.com/my-local-riba/riba-hong-kong-chapter

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